Press Highlights

"…There’s definitely a place for a female singer to grab the limelight and with songs like this, Jeanne Marie Boes could be one to watch…”
Jon Birch, Music Review Unsigned Magazine

"...How torchy singer Jeanne Marie Boes managed to get so much epic power and range out of her tiny keyboard is a mystery, although her towering, angst-fueled ballads and a couple of detours into darkly majestic blues had a relentlessly direct intensity..."
New York Music Daily

"...She is an amazing songwriter, musician, and vocalist. In my opinion, one of the best I've heard this year..."
Elisa Zuckerberg, Hear It There Blog

"…Though she’s young and still relatively unknown, with songs this good, it does not seem like she’ll be mired in anonymity for too much longer…”
Resident Media Pundit

"…Like an actress changing costumes between scenes, New York singer/songwriter Jeanne Marie Boes slips comfortably between vocal stylings, one moment she’s a lounge singer beyond her years and the next she’s a smoky pop diva. But whether she’s backed by a baby grand or a synthesizer, the passionate emotion behind her songs of love and heartbreak shines through…"
Lyrical Venus, 100.1FM KRUU

"...Now up on the blog, check out the beautiful and talented Jeanne Marie Boes - the Astoria, NY native who belts it out with heart and soul -- she has certainly caught our eye..."
Music Of New York Blog

"...A songstress stylish enough to be a French film star..."
Marie Grillo, BORO Mag

"...As a tunesmith, she also looks back to an earlier era, yet her mix of Rat Pack orchestral pop, torch song, blues, cabaret and occasional stadium rock bombast is uniquely her own. She likes a clever turn of phrase, yet she’s down to earth at the same time. Like Harold Arlen – someone she resembles thematically if not really stylistically – she’s created her own niche..."
Lucid Culture

"...Gorgeous voice - so classic and romantic! [She's] so talented..."
Karena and Katrina of Tone It Up

"...She’s got brass in her upper register, a pillowy, dreamy quality in the lows and a soaring range. She sings conversationally, intimately: you feel like she’s in the room with you. You have to go back a long ways to find a comparison..."
New York Music Daily

"...The gentle tapping piano massaged it’s way onto the vocals and worked a tone, subtle in sound but mighty in presence..."
Independent Music News

"…Authentic, gutsy and soulful…"
Tramp Le Monde

"…Her voice & music will send you into a bluesy, sultry trance…"
Underground Artists LIVE

"…With a closer look, it becomes plain to see [Jeanne Marie Boes] is a thinker, a dreamer and full of romance - all that makes her a beautiful musician [...] her voice says it all..."

"… She has the sort of smile that can warm up a room…"
William Helms, The Joy of Violent Movement Blog

"…The first thing that will shock you is her exceptional voice.. I imagined listening to such music in a posh expensive hotel piano bar - the bar lighting is dim, smoke on stage… and a petite Jeanne Marie Boes dressed in a red long dress, haunting, or better - melting everyone with her voice…"

Hello Music

"…With soulful vocals, Jeanne Boes mixes pop and blues, but despite the pop component, her music still takes you back to another era when she gets behind a piano…"
Queens Chronicle

"….Jeanne Marie Boes throughout her set sung with a full, throaty jazz-like croon, exuding a quiet assuredness and sensuality beyond her age…."
Ins & Outs Magazine

"…‘The One’ is a muscular, bluesy song, reminiscent of Amy Winehouse in style and, even more so in Jeanne’s vocal interpretation... [...] The recording has been expertly self-produced with a full, driving sound that pushes Jeanne’s voice straight across a great mix of, unbelievably, just three musicians…"
Eric Hathaway, Sometime In Long Island City

"...A beautiful voice and a beautiful soul, Jeanne Marie Boes was one of the first musicians on board for ASU Harmony Sessions Volume 1 and has proven she's in it for the long haul..."
Astoria Stand Up

"…Ever since we worked with Jeanne Marie, through The Times Square Group, when she was still at The Frank Sinatra School of the Arts we knew she was destined to become a known figure in the field of songwriting and performing…”
Bobbie Horowitz, Times Square Group

"…She possesses a truly unheard, singular sound…her voice, smoky and deep throat-ed, impressively coalesces a vast range…"
Knocks From The Underground

"…Wise beyond her years… Astoria performer will touch with her words…"
Queens Courier

"…Jeanne Marie Boes tickles the keys in a way that puts you next to a fireplace with a glass of scotch in your hand – but if you’re a cheating man, that glass of scotch might fly into your head…"
Steve Mosco, LIC Magazine

"…Her songs, combining jazz, blues, and pop, reveal a comforting timelessness and searing honesty the curious can discover when [she] takes the stage…"
Alia Akkam, The QNote

"…There’s a haunting and soulful quality in her music.. for fans of blues, jazz, or anything in between, she’s not someone to be missed…"
Knocks From The Underground